We’re testing universal basic income!

More and more people feel that universal basic income could be really good for our society. We think so too. Universal basic income has been a hot topic recently. There are pilot experiments, trial models and field studies in model regions. Let’s finally give it a try – a scientifically sound and ambitious governmental universal basic income trial!

We are a non-profit organization, founded by Joy and Laura in spring 2019 in Berlin, with a team of 14 people and a crowd of over 32,000 supporters all over Germany. We understand the unconditional basic income as the basis for a new social contract in the 21st century. We are therefore starting an attempt, which is unique in the world, to initiate a public experiment for an unconditional basic income with the help of referendums (“Volksbegehren” and “Bürgerbegehren” in Germany).

We call on all cities and municipalities in Germany to take part in the experiment. The totality of all ‘test cities” results in a globally unique research laboratory on basic income. Wherever local politics are not active, but at least 1% of the population expresses their interest in the experiment via our website, we start citizens' initiatives to enable the cities and municipalities to participate.

Starting in 2023, 10,000 people in Germany should receive a monthly basic income of about 1,200 euros for three years. For this experiment, we are working with renowned research partners in Germany to analyze the effect, acceptance and feasibility of different variants of the unconditional basic income. We also want to enable empirical findings on financing.

Your expedition team

We‘d like to get started together with you. Let’s research universal basic income together!

Want to get in touch? Write to us at support@expedition-grundeinkommen.de

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